::You are missing in my heart::


Why Me? Damn that spear of destiny

Diary Of A Madman

The bird of paradise alights only on the hand that does not grasp. - John Berry

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however." - Richard Bach

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You are all aware that I wish to speak of Treachery.

I speak to you today only in an attempt to destroy ignorance. It is a most vile state of being and I must play my part in offering you wisdom, in spite of yourselves.

The more one learns, the more one must suffer for the knowledge.

Treachery is an extremely dangerous weapon.

It can crumble a concocted web of your own design, no matter how carefully it was built. No matter how much time and patience you put into the scheming and creation of this web.

It can destroy guilds and groups who work so hard for a desired outcome. Treachery can decimate foundations. It will collapse barriers of protection we have built. These barriers are needed to ensure that those we care for, and ourselves, are kept safe. Treachery can leave you naked before your foe.

There are those you will trust in life and this will allow the weapon of treachery to be brought against you. It is your trust that empowers treachery, for treachery is the willful betrayal of fidelity.

The ignorance that I see in many is they assume treachery comes from a treacherous individual. They assume those who wish for treachery create it."

Treachery comes from a trusted ally. It is given life by the pure love and adoration a child has for its mother. It is your trust that gives treachery the spark of life and it is your continued trust that allows it to grow. A trusted compatriot will be seduced into betrayal by power and selfish gain.

All mortals are fallible.

The weapon of treachery is unavoidable and therefore can only be handled with wisdom. You cannot plan for, nor avoid treachery. Treachery is, and will be, a part of your life forevermore. If you accept this fact then you may move on to more important matters.

Experience and dedicated research will give you mastery over this art form.

It is wise to find the anathema of those things unavoidable in life. Only through wisdom will you truly be able to grasp the fundamentals I speak of. Some of you will know and others will have naivety. Not to worry. The agony of your life's experiences will soon take that naivety from you.

Clearly you all see that a planned defense against the unavoidable is needed. The lives of your allies rest in your hands, just as yours can rest in theirs, and if one of these trusted allies are treacherous they can harm entire organizations and cripple armies.

All of that because of ignorance and oversight.

Treachery is destroyed by suspicion and skepticism. If you doubt, then there is not complete trust."

Therefore, treachery loses its power.

We know it would be impossible to go through life trusting no one. So we would have a problem if not for the blessings of paranoia. It is a heightened sense of awareness after all and I have seen far to many give up its warning because of the pressure of friends. The same friends who could be covering the treachery they wish not to be revealed. How many of you have not experienced that?"

Perhaps these supposed friends are afraid of what is being seen. Of what you could find out.

One will question the fact of not being able to trust a single soul throughout their entire life. I believe it is impossible. There are those that you will hold dear and place your life within their hands. Sooner or later, it will happen.

Perhaps each of you should ask yourselves how many people you hold this much trust for in your lives.

Expect treachery. For, even now, it exists within your lives.

Treachery is a very real danger and those who do not take it seriously are fools.

Treachery was one of the reasons that Loviatar stepped from the darkness. In her great wisdom she recognized it for the danger that it was, to herself, and to those devoted to her word.

Even if you like to sing and dance the routine, "That would never happen to me. Those I trust are completely loyal." If you truly believe that, then you are living in denial.

I speak this to you clearly and hope you understand.

I offer a suggestion.

Treachery should be guarded against within your own organizations and fostered within your rivals. All mortals are fallible and seducible by one means or another. You are not completely safe from the infection of treachery within your lives, but take heart in knowing that it exists within the lives of those you war against, as well.

The suggestions I offer is clear and many will immediately feel a necessity to reject it. However, consider it carefully before you do so.

Look to yourselves and find those that you truly trust. Consider them closely. Seek out the seeds of treachery and groom it from your organizations and personal lives. If not for yourself then consider your comrades and those that have put their trust in you.

Do you really want to see your true and trusted allies become fodder for the purpose of treachery?

And all could be blamed on a lack of foresight.

Those that have already denied this probability are grasping at ignorance. Suffering drives all lessons home and to learn of treachery within ones life is devastating.

The wisdom of such an ordeal is beyond measure, however. Seek it out within your lives. The truth you find may cause you great disappointment and suffering. It might crumble the established order you hold so dear, but you will have gained a most precious instrument of war and understanding. Nothing will truly be lost. For those that you find who are treacherous against you, never offered anything to begin with.

The Goddess Loviatar teaches that suffering will bring enlightenment. It is the all-powerful teacher.

This loss will reveal so much and your knowledge will protect your allies in the years to come.

There are two sides to all things, this offers a chance for balance.

This new power will allow you to locate the seed within your enemies' ranks. The seed will not be plucked from their midst, however. It will be catered to and brought to life. Prospering and growing, you will have a weapon in which you may use in the battle for your cause.

It is a powerful tool, one that must be respected.

Treachery is only a sin when it is done to you. It is useful when crumpling the foundations of your foe." Her eyes still lost within the fire, she folds her arms across her chest. "I hope none are foolish enough to believe that by ignoring the existence of treachery, they destroy the chances of it touching their lives. If you do believe such, then there is no more to say.


The Shed - Killing people since crucifixion day
