::You are missing in my heart::

Tossing The Salad

Why Me? Damn that spear of destiny

Diary Of A Madman

The bird of paradise alights only on the hand that does not grasp. - John Berry

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Stephen Covey

A message from George Dubya Bush.

Attention all deviant abominations of San Francisco. This is your President you voted overwhelmingly against speaking. As you no doubt have been told, same-sex marriage is illegal in the state of California. That said, I know that many of you Adams and Steves believe that by breaking that law, you are being some kind of civil rights trailblazers. You think you're like that rude colored lady Rosa Parks, who suffered from delusions of non-inferiority. You think you're like that uppity broad Susan B. Anthony, who hallucinated that women are capable of having opinions. And yes, you probably think you're like Richard and Mildred Loving, who demanded that Virginia give them special rights to flaunt the unthinkable perversion of interracial marriage. Well guess what? You're right. You're just like all of those people � a sickening byproduct of liberalism. But just like my right-wing personal forefathers who fought tooth and nail against the aforementioned scum, I too shall do everything in my power to ensure that you remain second-class citizens: reviled, despised, and worthy only of being dragged for miles behind the pickup trucks of my most devoted ideological brethren.
In short, go ahead and try to marry your own gender. But know that when any man fucks with another man, he's also fucking with a Bush. And when you do that, a Bush gets nasty. And a nasty Bush is the last thing you wanna fuck around with. Just ask my dad.

Thank you for listening, and God Bless America.

Dogma 95 is a pretentious minimalist movement supposed to extract cinematic purity from its subject.
Do not watch Dogville and do not encourage the retarded pseudo artists who perpetuate the myth.
Lars von Trier and his ilk are annoyingly repetitive and patronising.
�Dogville� is a presented as a throwback to the theatrical productions of early television. It features one location, the bare minimum of sets, and only chalk outlines to separate homes from streets, bushes from people.
Which defeats the point of progress. Perhaps we should trade in our high res home cinema systems for 10" balck and white sets. Gits.

The Shed - Killing people since crucifixion day
