::You are missing in my heart::

Test Your Archetype

The Dandelion

The dandelion sees the magic of the world and is aloft in an overwhelming sense of union with the beauty of the universe. This is often translated into a fluency with the language, a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the measure of the day to day. The inner beauty of the animate world often preoccupies the Dandelion, a sense that there is a union in all the life forms of nature.

Because of the ever-present reality of the abstract world, a dandelion may often seem to be living in a higher realm, or to be not-of-this-earth. Prone to fantasy and the imagination, Dandelion children often create entire legions of imaginary playmates. In an adult this can on occasion lead a Dandelion to imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on the Dandelion's fears or hopes for the future.

Because of their rich, inner world, a Dandelion often doesn't realize the extent to which reality impinges upon them. Often a Dandelion will be completely distraught before knowledge of this emotion bursts forth in unexpected ways.

A Dandelion has a strong sense of right and wrong, and because of this is often disappointed in its own behavior, which never quite manages to attain the moral purity of the abstract realm in which it lives. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive inward-turning anger, Dandelions are very gentle creatures and usually see only the best in others, at least until proven otherwise.

Though very fluent in language and often an entertaining and popular speaker, the Dandelion is also sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. Often a Dandelion will feel that it is the rest of the world, which is out of touch with its own need to remain morally pure and honest. Moral questions are often quite interesting to this personality, and arguments over abstract qualities like 'truth' and 'beauty' are commonplace. Because of this, a sense of personal integrity is important to the Dandelion. When their behavior is out of synch with their moral values, often a severe psychic disturbance can result. Often this struggle takes up quite a lot of time. Helping others to achieve moral consistency is also important. Because connectivity is so important to this personality type, they can often become quiet and sulky if they feel that others around them do not understand their point of view.

Stories and metaphor is one important way that the Dandelion understands the world and how it works. This is how they relate to others around them, and how they seek to achieve unity with friends and colleagues. Relationships are often about self-discovery for the Dandelion, because the problems that other people face are often fodder for a better understanding of oneself.

Although being consistent mentally and morally is important to the Dandelion, presenting a coherent self to the world is often not a big priority. Different friends of these types will see different people, and when friends compare notes, they will often be surprised to learn new facets of character in the Dandelion that they had not even known existed.

Often subtle and romantic in a relationship, the Dandelion will behave in ways that they believe will nonverbally and symbolically telegraph their internal moods. Should a partner not catch on to this, they are in for a long, long discussion about the state of the relationship.

The Dandelion should beware of overweening perfectionism and should not be afraid to ask others for help on occasion. Similarly, this type should try to forgive the inconsistencies of friends and relatives.

Have a go
