::You are missing in my heart::

Ranting 7 April

It's a bitter irony that the man who wrote the words 'War! What is a good for? Absolutely nothing!" should die at a time when the majority of the world is repeating his very words."

Soul giant and Army veteran Edwin Starr has passed away of a heart attack at the age of 61. Starr is survived by an impressive catalogue, including one of the simplest but most deeply felt of all anti-war songs from the Vietnam era. Bruce Springsteen is performing War on his current tour. His version is pretty darn good, too.

Listen up all you heifers! Her majesty Queen Latifah has come out with a new line of lingerie designed especially with YOU, the sexy "plus-sized" gal, in mind! Latifah decided to name her line "Curvations," in honour of the voluptuous body-types which these naughty garments are meant to complement. We here are eagerly awaiting Aretha Franklin�s competing lingerie line: "Flabulous Obesitudes," for women with more rolls than the Michelin Man!

"Some have called me a Hitler. Well, this Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold." - Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe obviously hasn't read Dale Carnegie's seminal self-help tome How to Make Friends and Influence People. Oh, and Moogy? That's four objectives, not one.
